Welcome to the Sacramento’s LULAC Council No. 2862 website! LULAC members are the driving force behind significant advancements and improvements to the quality of life for the Latino/Hispanic community across the country.  You are invited to explore our Council’s website, learn about our organization, review our Council’s activities, projects, and offer your comments/suggestions.

If you are interested in supporting LULAC’s local programs in education, economic empowerment/development, health, housing, immigration, civic engagement, public service, technology or civil rights, please contact our Council at LULAC2862@gmail.com.


Council President’s Message:

“I believe LULAC should focus on education, health care and promoting equitable job distribution for our community.  This is because despite the large Latino population in California, we seriously lag behind in both the public and private sectors in these areas.”

“We should also promote collaboration with other community organizations to raise momentum and show unity of focus on these issues with the local, state and federal government. “

Upcoming LULAC Activities/Events:

2024 Upcoming Scholarship Awards:

The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Council 2862 is inviting you and an accompanying guest to celebrate our 40th anniversary operating as a LULAC Council in the Sacramento area.  We will also award five scholarships to deserving high school students.   

The celebration will be held at the Maple Community Center, 3301 37th Street, Sacramento from 11:30 to 1:30 pm.

Please let me know if you are able to attend by August 2, 2024 via email at LULAC2862@gmail.com

Thank you and we look forward to your participation. 


Maria Gutierrez

Council 2862 President

2023 Council Scholarship Committee Members &Recipients:

Other Upcoming 2024 Latino Events/Activities/Information:

Online Voter Registration | California Secretary of State


QR code linking to www.registertovote.ca.gov

